5 ways to apply hair oil the right way

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As a beauty product, hair oil has become so big nowadays that it has been adopted as a must-have for any beauty kit. The key to using hair oil is to do it the right way so that you can make your hair look lovely and it won't fall off your head. Let's find out how to use it the

  1. Apply hair oil and massage your scalp

Firstly, after using the shower, use a very soft hair comb to remove all the water from the hair and dry it with a towel. The hair should be left to air-dry. Then apply a few drops of oil and massage it to your scalp until it completely covers it. The oil should be mixed well with your hands or with a small brush. Leave it on your hair for 20 minutes and wash it as normal. The beauty of using hair oil is that you can use it whenever you feel like and it will make your hair shine.


  1. Use a blow dryer after applying hair oil

After applying the hair oil, use a blow dryer to make sure it is all over the hair. If you don't have one, you can use a hairbrush or a regular hairdryer. When blow-drying, it is important to use the 'blow-dry' setting, never the 'air dry' one. When using the blow dryer, you need to move the blow dryer from your head to the tip of the hair. This is because when you use the air-dry setting, the air hits the head and then immediately escapes, and thus, it cools down your hair. On the other hand, when using the 'blow dry' setting, the air hits the head and dries it, making it softer.


  1. Apply it properly

This is another important thing to keep in mind when it comes to applying oils, especially to hair. When you apply hair oil you should always follow a specific pattern in which you apply the oil using your fingertips and blow-dry with the air that’s been used to dry the hair. This way you’ll seal in the oil and allow it to stay put. If you don’t do this, the oils will be easy to wash out and won’t be strong enough to remain on your hair. When you apply the oil, it should be on the tips and ends of the hair and you should use a flat, rounded brush or comb to distribute it. Using a round brush will allow the oil to get to all of the ends of the hair.


  1. Use the right type of oil

It’s important to use the right type of oil for your hair and skin as they both have very different properties. Oil is made up of both triglycerides and hydrocarbons. Your hair is made up of proteins that bond together as well as oil, making it a unique composition. The oils will be able to bond together and penetrate the hair, resulting in a beautifully lustrous look.


  1. Let the oil set

One of the worst things that you can do when it comes to using hair oils is to leave it on too long. The reason why it’s so important to apply the oils shortly after you’ve washed and dried your hair is that you’re giving your hair time to dry in a more open environment and are allowing the oil to soak into the hair shaft. By applying it when your hair is still wet you’re allowing it to absorb quicker, but by letting it set on your hair for too long it can cause the oils to separate.


Hair oil is great for hair care, but it will keep your hair soft and it will be able to manage all your dry hair problems. But be careful with n hair oil, do not overuse it, as this may lead to some serious damage to your hair. We recommend using natural hair oil every 2-3 days to maintain the look and shine of your hair.
