On that point Classic has done a great job better

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Many of the "Classic" players want #nochanges. Classic+ would not be Classic and would only appeal to players who don't like vanilla. Modern MMO players will prefer a modern design while old-vanilla players would want the basic design and it is best to wow tbc gold have "no modifications" because they're bad at their game...

Many players have switched to FF14 or New World so now they are expecting more or have just switched games. Classic+ will need to be as brainless as Classic in order to accommodate "bad" players (LFR) while offering contemporary experiences to everyone else... It's not easy to achieve, if it ever occurs. It's likely that the Classic+ community would come together as one unites due to the fact that it is so divided.

You want classic but don't want it to be a classic. I'm sorry, but it seems like you just want to play another game. Every server that tried Classic + died off after some time, which is the only reason to play this awful 15 years old game is for the community aspect.

On that point Classic has done a great job better than Classic + version could, What you're asking for is the 15th anniversary game to be innovative and to introduce an entirely new concept, which that's what they did, it's known as expansions, and while there are some that don't, it's actually Classic +.

Furthermore , I am highly doubtful that the existence of any "casual" guild is going back to Season of Mastery, only one aspect of this thread is my curiosity on best wow classic tbc gold seller how many other like-minded players actually would like this.

