The literary style of essay

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Currently, the literary style of essay is gaining popularity not only in the circle of writers, but also in the high school curriculum.

The essay genre is characterized by expressiveness, vividness of presentation, brevity, comparative judgment, a focus on intimate sincerity, and a casual manner of conversation.

To write a work in this style, you must first make a plan for the work. That is, it should consist of: the introductory part; the main, where the plot of the work; the final part, which should be the most concise and contain the results of the arguments.

At the initial stage it is necessary to exhaustively study the selected material on the topic, the historical situation in which the personalities of the main characters were formed, the details and order of events. The account of the events or characters should be started according to the time sequence.

And, the construction of the historical essay, like any essay, should begin with an introduction followed by a transition to the disclosure of the topic by the author.

The topic should contain a clue to the writer's proven claim; also, the history essay versatile describes the main character: moral and external image, mental talents, degree of intelligence, whether there is a talent of an organizer, what is the role of the hero of the work in society, personally his merits in the development of the country, in the life of the people. Also, especially important are the experiences of the author in relation to the heroes of the work.

Next, in the main part of the work, on the transition period, it is necessary to outline a concise, broad answer to the question posed in the introduction of the essay, as well as a number of approximate conclusions.

The concluding section should be consistent with the overall theme of the story and should be the most advantageous component in terms of emotional impact on the reader; and, this is where the final description of the subplots is revealed.

All in all, the importance of this genre shows the credible judgment of the narrator, meaning not only the logical reasoning of the writer, but also the coincidence with the human generally accepted rules in society.

