Software Features to Grow Your Fitness Studio

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The fitness studio software from MevoLife is a lifesaver! We put your business first, with tools tailored to help you expand your studio.

In the last several months, your fitness studio has undergone a lot of transformations! If you've implemented virtual classes, you've probably noticed an increase in interest and full classes. After reopening, you might even see some of your greatest clientele return. But how are you going to keep track of everything? To keep up with the demand, you'll need efficient processes and expert tools.

Are you operating your company as efficiently as you should be? There is a solution if basic things like class sign-ups are making your life difficult. You'll need clients to fill out a form and pay for class when they join up, but with the appropriate fitness studio software, it'll be a breeze. Rather than hiring expensive administrative staff, save time and money by using the correct all-in-one software!

The fitness studio software from MevoLife is a lifesaver! We put your business first, with tools tailored to help you expand your studio. We'll show you how the appropriate software can help you streamline your business and take your studio to the next level in this post.

Provide convenient electronic forms

Bid farewell to paper forms! Sign-ups are quick and straightforward with MevoLife computerized forms. Even better, clients don't have to be present for their forms to be completed.

When clients fill out your form online, they'll be prompted to sign a disclaimer, which they can do with a swipe of their finger on the app or your studio's signature pad.

Even better, all of the information is saved in their individual client profile, which you can access and evaluate later. Use electronic forms to improve the customer experience, get more forms filled out remotely, and track client activity to better serve them.

Easily manage memberships for all clients

If memberships are your bread and butter, you'll need to up your game and manage them like a pro! The freedom that membership options provide will appeal to your clients. With MevoLife assistance, here are a few ways you may simply provide more to your clients:


  • Offer combo memberships that include in-studio, virtual, and on-demand classes that are tailored to your clients' needs (think yoga, HIIT, CrossFit, abs and glute, etc.). You can also customize them based on their fitness level (beginning, intermediate, or advanced) or how often they visit (5, 10, 15+ times per month).
  • Track client attendance and membership purchases with our robust reporting tools so you always know where your sales are coming from.
  • When memberships expire, automatically send out reminders via SMS or push alerts so you don't lose money.
  • Create monthly recurring memberships that clients may share with their entire family.

Easy client check-in options

Clients today expect to be able to check in for class in a way that is convenient for them. To keep everyone safe, keep our distance. You'll want to prevent walk-in surprises and a congested reception area. MevoLife offers the solution for you! Here are a few ways we make it simple for clients to book and check into classes, whether they do so online or in person:

  • Use unique website widgets to pique the interest of visitors and enable one-click booking.
  • Clients who find you on the web can book instantly from web searches or maps using Reserve with Google.
  • Clients may book and check-in using our simple Achieve Client App or self-check-in online app from any device.
  • We have features to help you sign up faster at the front desk, such as a credit card swiper, a credit card mobile reader, a signature pad, and more!

Help track client fitness goals and progress

Because you're the coach, mentor, and cheerleader for your clients, you need to stay on top of their goals and success! With the MevoLife transformation log, you can stay updated so you can keep them motivated. Set short- and long-term goals for your clients, and keep track of their progress, including body fat percentage, heart rate, blood pressure, and physical measurements. Remember to document their progress - the transformation log allows clients to post fresh images whenever progress is made, so they can see how you're assisting them in achieving their goals.

Here are some of the ways this technology can help you connect with your clients and help them succeed:

  • Keep track of the goals and progress of each client.
  • Keep track of their visits and take notes on their progress for later use.
  • Custom fields can be used to store progress images, body measurements, and other information.
  • To compare client progress over time, update information on a regular basis.

With our FitZONE function, which will be available soon, you'll have another dynamic tool to help your clients succeed!

