What Muslims Believe regarding the religious writing

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Muslims believe that the religious writing is that the literal word of God, unconcealed to His final courier, Muhammad (Peace be upon him). it had been unconcealed over twenty three years and contains no errors, contradictions or discrepancies. Muslims believe that it had been memorized an

God created all things

The Qur'an affirms that God created all things, and is distinct from them, nonetheless continues to be intimately concerned in His creation. Quran Memorization for female Your Lord has commanded that you just worship none however Him, and be kind to folks.

God sent prophets

According to Islam, God has sent prophets and messengers to each nation. A prophet is somebody chosen by God to unfold his word and teach others the way to sleep in a fashion which will please him. All of those prophets referred to as folks from many alternative religions, tribes, languages, and traditions; they spoke completely different languages as well; they educated their followers various things, nonetheless all of them had one issue in common: all of them told their folks regarding God's existence. Muhammad was a prophet sent to Arabian Peninsula once prophet. In Arabic he's referred to as Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh). though several Arabian folks were worshipers of idols, he managed to persuade his tribe through honest dealings and acts of charity.

God loves everybody

After man passes away, his deeds stop to follow him, as he are going to be evaluated exclusively by Allah thereon day. there's no life once death; man’s existence is confined solely to earth. once one dies, they're forgotten, with no memory of their past lives continuous . Ultimately, man’s actions lead solely to rewards or penalization on judgment day; there's no resurrection or reincarnation in different mortals or animals. This read of man’s mortality differs from different religions like Christianity, Buddhism associate degreed Hinduism that posit associate degree existence on the far side death in an life either incarnated or discarnate.

When man dies, his deeds follow him

After death, once man comes face to face together with his Creator, He are going to be asked regarding his religion and deeds. it'll be his last likelihood to admit to no matter wrongs he could have done. Man is shipped on earth to worship Allah and follow His laws. God has unconcealed a book during which He tells man however he ought to do thus. This book is named The Holy religious writing. The Holy religious writing, not like different non secular scriptures, wasn't modified by men over time and remained preserved for quite 1400 years. In English there area unit a minimum of six translations of The Holy religious writing accessible for study by anyone inquisitive about looking for what Islam teaches these days.

At death, each soul are going to be examined for its own sensible.

In Islam, there's no such issue as damnation or hell. this idea is totally against Islamic teachings. All souls are going to be judged at death and it'll be seen whether or not they area unit allowed to enter paradise or not. Even those who have committed nice sins could also be forgiven by God and admitted into heaven if they're actually sorry their misdeeds and have tried to repent in an exceedingly sincere manner.

After death, there area unit still actions to be accounted for during this world.

According to Islam, there area unit several actions we've to hold out throughout our life time. we've to believe Allâh, His Messengers, in Angels, and Resurrection once death. we tend to even have to wish five times each day, offer pillar of Islam and quick in Ramadan. once death all our deeds are going to be opened and judged by Allâh on resurrection day; if they're accepted then someone enters Jannah (Paradise) and if they're rejected then he/she has been thrown into Jahannum (Hell). Online Quran Classes for femals He or she cannot come to earth once more.

A Day of Judgment can return once everything are going to be destroyed by hearth.

Allah says in Surah Al Anbiya, till once death involves one in all them, he says: ‘My Lord! Send Pine Tree State back (to life),-in order that i could aid therein that I even have left behind!’ Nay! it's however a word that he speaks; and behind them is Barzakh (barrier) till the Day after they are going to be resurrected. (Surah al-Anbiya - 82)
