What does the market say about live chat?

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It is not an easy task to become and survive in the client servicing department. Dedication, perseverance, and patience are a few qualities that are the pillars on which it stands. 

Particularly, this refers to the current market. New products and services are springing up every day. Everyone wants to enter the market in one form or another.

This has resulted in a very tightly stuffed place that gets affected even by a minute change. As everyone wants to move up the ladder and attract customers. Excellent client service is supposed to be the key to establishing a good rapport. 

Many formats of client servicing have been used before. One of them is Managed Chat Services It is the one with specialists. 

Professionals are assigned for dealing with potential clients and converting them into leads. Along with this they also manage previous customers and help retain them.

At a glance, the entire system seems well functioning and productive. But what does the market say about it? Given below is the observation that has been made up to date

Many people prefer interacting with real people instead of chatbots. This is because makes them comfortable communicating. 

Human intelligence has still not been passed by machine intelligence which is visible when any out-of-the-blue question pops up in front of the bot. 

The aspect of (speed + quality) is higher in the case of live agents with respect to chat-bots

It shows the zeal, desire, and seriousness of the business when they take the help of real people to make it easy for the customer to understand their application, software, etc.

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