Bahria Town Karachi 2

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Bahria town Karachi 2 is proudly presented by a renowned name in real estate development in Pakistan. It is a project of Malik Riaz Hussain and his team.
Bahria Town has developed itself into a name of trust because of its quality of living, timely delivery of projects, and world-class


  • *This is a very popular story among Indian professionals. It's a cautionary tale that segues from other anecdotes. I have included it because it is true and relevant to the situation in Pakistan.

Disclosure: I know the writer personally, but he didn't ask me to post this advice - I'm simply sharing experiences I've had since moving to Pakistan as a foreigner.

Karachi is not a very safe city for foreigners.

Bahria town Karachi 2 is a very safe city for foreigners. Pakistan is in the spotlight because of terrorism, but there are many places in the region that are just as dangerous and inaccessible. Pakistan and Afghanistan share a long border, but it's mostly unpopulated. The only major city on this route is Kandahar in Afghanistan's southern province of Kandahar (Afghanistan). It has been designated as an international security zone by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC).

The terrain between cities can be difficult to traverse if you don't have access to proper transportation or know how to get around safely on foot; however, most people do not know about these risks because they don't want their loved ones traveling through areas where there could be armed conflict happening at any hour during those days/nights when fighting occurs regularly because it makes travel difficult—and dangerous!

Pakistan is in the spotlight because of terrorism, but there are many places in the region that are just as dangerous and inaccessible.

Pakistan is in the spotlight because of terrorism, but there are many places in the region that are just as dangerous and inaccessible.

Afghanistan is a dangerous place, as it was before 9/11.

The rest of South Asia is not much better: India has experienced violence against religious minorities since independence from Britain; Bangladesh has been rocked by political upheaval for decades; Sri Lanka was beset by civil war until recently. The same goes for Nepal and Bhutan—all three countries have suffered coups or other political violence in recent years. And while none of these countries are at war with each other (yet), they do share borders with one another, making travel between them difficult if not impossible without visas or special permits issued by one’s government (which may be difficult to obtain). For Americans who want some perspective on how safe their own country really is compared with all these others around the world—and especially whether we should worry about traveling there ourselves—we turned to our friends at Global Affairs Canada!

Pakistan and Afghanistan share a long border, but it's mostly unpopulated.

The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a long, rugged, and largely unpopulated stretch of land. It's a common travel route for people from both countries to cross into each other's territory, but it's not heavily policed or guarded in any way.

The rest of the locals see Pakistanis as poor, uneducated, and unable to speak English or Urdu.

It is a common misconception that Pakistanis are poor, uneducated and unable to speak English or Urdu. This is because of the fact that most of them don't have the right education. If you look at it from another angle then there are many things which make them look different from other people in Karachi but still they are treated like second-class citizens by their own countrymen due to their language skills, social status and financial status.

The rest of the locals see Pakistanis as poor, uneducated and unable to speak English or Urdu.

A skilled employer will be less able to find workers willing to stay long-term in Pakistan.

You are the expert in your field, and you know that you can find the best workers for your job.

But once they arrive, how long will they stay? Will they be able to keep up with your pace? Will it be worth it for them to work for such a small amount of money compared with what they could make elsewhere?

There's little local infrastructure to speak of.

One of the biggest challenges we face in Karachi is that there's little local infrastructure to speak of. There are no public transportation options, no public utilities such as electricity or water and most importantly, no public schools or hospitals. There are also very few libraries or parks in our area so you'll need to bring your own books if you want to read them here.

The lack of basic services has led us all down one path: education! We've banded together as a community to set up something called "Schools Without Walls" where students can come together after school hours for free tutoring sessions on subjects like math, science and history. It's a great way for kids who might not otherwise have access (or even interest) in learning anything new about themselves or their world around them

If you can't speak the local language, you can't even travel independently.

If you can't speak the local language, you can't even travel independently. You'll have to depend on others for everything—from getting around and shopping, to finding a job and getting medical help.

The same goes for your physical safety. If someone threatens you or tries to harm you in any way, they may believe they won't be punished since they don't speak English (or whatever language is spoken in that country). It's important that we protect our own community from the dangers of not having access to basic services such as English-language learning programs or medical care when needed by members of our own community who are unable or unwilling at times due financial reasons."

You might need an invitation or a lot of money to get access to the Internet or phone lines in your home destination.

You might need an invitation or a lot of money to get access to the Internet or phone lines in your home destination.

In case you do not have an invitation and still want to use these services, then you will have to pay a fee for using them.

You should consider your personal safety before accepting any job offer in any part of South Asia

You should consider your personal safety before accepting any job offer in any part of South Asia.

There are many scams and frauds in the region, which can cause you to lose your money or even worse. The best thing to do is to be aware of what's happening around you at all times, so that if something does happen it won't surprise you too much when it happens!

