Dextromethorphan (DXM) Hallucinations and Dissociation

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Dextromethorphan (DXM) is found in numerous over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. This ingredient can lead to hallucinations and dissociation when abused in high doses.

Some states have banned the sale of DXM products to minors, but abuse is still prevalent. Parents should be

Dextromethorphan (DXM) is found in numerous over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. This ingredient can lead to hallucinations and dissociation when abused in high doses.

Some states have banned the sale of DXM products to minors, but abuse is still prevalent. Parents should be aware of Triple C misuse and abuse as a potential threat to their children’s health and future.

Dextromethorphan (DXM)

Dextromethorphan (DXM) is an ingredient in over-the-counter cough and cold medications. It is available in tablet, gel capsule, and liquid forms.

Teens and young adults can abuse DXM by ingesting it, snorting it, or injecting it. It can also be mixed into drinks, or sold on the street as "roboripping," "skittles," and “triple C.”

Abuse of DXM is a serious problem that requires treatment. When abused, DXM can lead to an addiction and withdrawal symptoms when use is stopped.

Symptoms of withdrawal can include fever, sweating, muscle pain, and nausea. They may last for up to four weeks. In extreme cases, people with DXM abuse may require medical detox. This can be done in a detox clinic or outpatient facility.


Hallucinations are a kind of break with reality that can happen with many types of health conditions. They can be scary and confusing, but they are usually harmless if you are taking care of yourself and getting treatment for the cause of the symptoms.

Some types of hallucinations involve visions, hearing voices or feelings that are not real. They can also happen with other senses like smelling or tasting things that do not exist.

The type of hallucination you have depends on the part of your brain that is being affected. For example, visual hallucinations are caused by activity in the primary visual cortex, while hearing voices involve the hippocampus and insula.

Depending on the severity of the hallucinations, they may need to be treated with medications, therapy and other ways. They can be a sign of psychosis and should not be ignored.


Overdose is a serious condition that occurs when someone takes too much of an illicit substance or prescription medication. If you think you or a loved one has overdosed, call 911 immediately.

Depending on the drug, overdose can cause a range of side effects and symptoms. They include seizures, jerking of limbs, rigidity of extremities, a change in body temperature and pulse rate, vomiting and breathing problems.

Another common symptom of overdose is compartment syndrome, which happens when blood circulation to a specific area is cut off, resulting in damage to the muscles in that region. This can affect several organs and can be fatal if it goes untreated.

The abuse of Triple C's is a growing concern and has been linked to many physical and mental health issues in teens. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction to Triple C, BetterHelp can connect you with a professional and qualified counselor. Contact us today to get started!


Addiction is a disease that can destroy key brain regions and change your behavior. This can affect your decision-making ability and lead to dangerous withdrawal symptoms if you stop using drugs.

Most people become addicted to a drug because it floods their brain with a chemical called dopamine, which produces intense feelings of pleasure. The body craves these feelings so much that you need to take the drug more and more often to get the same effect.

Addiction can happen to anyone, no matter their age. It can be caused by a mental health disorder or by peer pressure. Difficult family situations or a lack of parental involvement can also increase the risk of addiction.
