How to Fix QuickBooks Install Error Code 1904?

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Know the different causes and solutions related to QuickBooks Install Error code 1904.

QuickBooks has been suffering from diversified technical error codes lately. One such error which can be noticed while registering QuickBooks Desktop is QuickBooks Install Error 1904. This error can be observed due to corruption in Microsoft components like MSXML, C++, .NET Framework. One viable measure to get it rectified requires updating QuickBooks to the newest version.

QuickBooks Error Message Code 1904

However, if that doesn’t work out, there are many other troubleshooting procedures as well, which shall be explained in the subsequent sections of this blog. So, keep reading to know the different causes and solutions related to QuickBooks Install Error code 1904.


What causes QuickBooks Error 1904?

The major causes of this error are:

  • Corruption in the Microsoft components, including MSXML, Microsoft C++, and Microsoft.NET Framework.
  • The system files or the QuickBooks files may be damaged or accidentally deleted.
  • QuickBooks version is out of date.


Technical Solutions to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error code 1904

Go through the below given solutions for rectifying this Error observed during the registration process.

Solution 1: Run QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

Step 1: Run QuickBooks Tool Hub

  • The first step requires downloading QuickBooks Tools Hub from Intuit.
  • Following that, the user needs to double-click the downloaded .exe file namely QuickBooksToolHub.exe to commence the installation.
  • When the tool is successfully installed on the system, run it.

QuickBooks Tool Hub


Step 2: Launch the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic

Choose QuickBooks Install Diagnostic tool

  • The tool will diagnose for any installation related issues related to QuickBooks, and will immediately resolve any diagnosed issue.
  • The next step requires making an exit from this tool and then restarting QuickBooks to try the registration process again.
  • Hopefully, this should curb error 1904 in QuickBooks desktop.


Solution 2: Repairing corrupted Windows Components

Step 1: Repair .NET Framework

  • Start by accessing the Control panel.
  • Following that, go for the Programs and Features tab.
  • Therein, the user needs to choose .Net Framework and subsequently, right-click on it to hit on the Repair option.


Step 2: Registering MSXML.dll

  • This process first requires accessing the command prompt.
  • Upon opening cmd, the user needs to type "regsvr32 MSXML6.dll" and following that, press Enter.
  • The last step requires running QuickBooks as an admin and trying the registration process once again to verify if QuickBooks Error 1904 got fixed.


Solution 3: Install Adobe Flash Player once again

  • Towards the beginning, hit on the Start button and from there, access the Control Panel.
  • Thereafter, make a move to the Programs and Features tab.
  • Hit Adobe Flash Player ActiveX, and later tap on the uninstall tab.
  • When the program is uninstalled, the user should go for a fresh download and installation of the same.


Solution 4: Edit the user permissions

  • The first step requires accessing the command prompt window from the start menu. For this, just type “cmd” upon clicking on the start button and then right-click on the icon to opt for Run as Administrator.
  • The subsequent step requires typing "net user administrator /active: yes" in cmd and hit on the Enter key.

net user administrator active yes command Image

  • Follow up by Signing out of the user account, and then opt for the admin account to log in. 
  • In case prompted, the user should provide correct details related to the login ID and password.
  • Follow up by navigating to "C:/Program Files/Common Files".
  • Therein, right-click the Common files folder and hit on Properties.
  • Therein, opt for the Security tab, and follow up by clicking on Edit.
  • Now, advance to the Group or user names option, and opt for Users.
  • The next step requires hitting on Change option besides the "permissions for users" option.

Permissions for Common Files Image

  • Opt for read and edit options, and soon after hit on the Apply tab.
  • Once done with the foregoing step, run QuickBooks and try to register QuickBooks again to check I the method solved Error code 1904.


Solution 5: Update Windows

  • Initially, press the Windows key on the keyboard to reveal the Start menu. Herein, the user needs to search for “Update”.
  • Look for Windows Update in the list and click on the icon.
  • Within the Windows update screen, the user should hit on the Check for updates option.

Check for updates in windows 10 Screenshot

  • After that, go for the downloading of the updates and follow up with a system reboot.
  • The downloaded updates will begin installing upon restart and when the process is done, run QuickBooks and try registering it once again.



The current blog threw light on the different strategies to curb QuickBooks Error code 1904. If you feel a need of technical guidance, just give our QuickBooks error support experts a call at the helpline i.e., 1-800-615-2347.
