Find out with Google how simple it can be to create your webpageFind out with Google how simple it can be to create your

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With the Google website it is possible to create a web page without being an expert in design or programming. Can you imagine being able to set up your own website with the help of one of the main channels of online dissemination?

Creating a professional website can be quite a challenge for many entrepreneurs.

This is because it is usually an expensive, complex process that demands time that is often incompatible with the reality of the company.

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It was realizing this context that Google decided to be its superhero of online dissemination and developed Google Sites, the tool to create a web page that promises to save your day and your business.

That's because with it you can build a website yourself using ready-made templates that are easy to maintain.

So, were you excited by the proposal to create your web page in an uncomplicated way and from any mobile device?

Then check out 10 amazing tips on how to get the best out of Google!

  • What is Google Sites?
  • Why use the Google website?
  • BONUS: Reach the top of Everest with the Google website
  • Don't leave it for tomorrow, create your website now with Google Sites!

What is Google Sites?

Gone are the days when it was necessary to make a list in order not to forget about all the different types of services needed to create a web page.

Well now, with the help of Google, you can accomplish this task very quickly and in a very practical way.

This is because the Google website is the search engines own tool for those who need to create a professional website, whether for internal communication or commercial purposes.

Even without being a design or programming ace, with it you can generate a web page in 10 minutes.

That's because it does all the heavy lifting for you, leaving you solely responsible for the information to be entered.

Available to any user for free, the platform is essential for anyone looking to improve their business's online presence.

And that's just one of the advantages of creating a website on Google. Find out in the next thread what the others are, then I doubt you'll want to be left out of this one.

Why use the Google website?

Allowing you to create a web page from scratch in an easy and intuitive way is in itself a great attraction of Google Sites.

But beyond that, from the moment you have a website on Google, it becomes possible to enjoy the benefits of integration with other platforms of this search engine.

If you were interested in learning more about these and other benefits, check out 10 reasons why you should use this platform now!

        1. Cost

Despite being one of the services available in Google's paid package, G Suite, the tech giant also offers this tool free of charge to any user.

So, just create a Gmail account and follow the steps to start enjoying all the benefits of a Google website, without being charged for website hosting or space used.

       2. Creation

It may have sounded like a fisherman's story, but creating a website on Google is really that simple.

That's because after logging in, the platform will give you two options: load a template created by you or use the templates provided by the tool.

From then on, your only concern will be to put all your information on the page.

     3. Multiplicity

Whatever your need for reach, know: Google's site will do.

This is because with the available visibility settings it is possible to choose some strategic factors such as who will be able to view the content, for example.

So don't worry: whether you want to create an internal or commercial page, Google Sites is ready to give you a hand.

      4. Installation

Forget everything you knew about website hosting until then.

This is because the Google website does not require the use of any program in this regard: everything is stored in the cloud for your greater security and convenience.

In fact, thanks to this technology, it is possible to access and edit your page from any mobile device with internet access!

      5. Edition

Google's website is very intuitive and doesn't leave the user blind: as you go through your site, it will show you how it will look after its ready.

So you don't have to be a design or programming ace to use the tool.

So, no matter the size of your knowledge, when you choose to generate your page with the Google website, you will have full control over its creation.

       6. Accessibility

It would be extremely useful to include a search function on your website to improve the visitor experience, wouldn't it?

Now imagine just having a little help from the biggest search engine when ranking your website's search results?!

Well know that when creating a web page with the Google site this happens.

This way your customer will have the best of both worlds: all the quality of your website combined with a powerful search tool.

      7. Navigation

Organizing the content of the website itself into menus can become an arduous task if done manually.

But with the Google site, your problems that barely started are over!

That's because it organizes the contents according to their relevance, thus generating an automatic menu to facilitate the visitor's navigation.

      8. Integration

One of the cards up the sleeve of the Google site is the integration with other search engine tools.

That way you can share photos, videos, documents, calendars and any other feature available from Google.

All this was designed for you to be able to create a rich and attractive page without having to worry about overloading the system.

      9. Speed

Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges of creating a website is being able to count on a server that supports its entire structure, so it won't lose points in terms of functionality when accessed.

And when creating your web page with the Google site, you can rest assured: you won't lose a night's sleep with this kind of worry.

That's because the platform, in addition to creating a rich site, but light to load, also shares the same excellent search engine server, ensuring an effective and fast page.

       10. Security

One of the biggest concerns when putting a website online is protection against hacker invasion.

But again, another advantage of having your website stored on Google's servers is being able to count on one of the biggest and best security structures in the world.

With that, your web page will be as secure as Uncle Patinas' safe and free from invasions and instabilities.

BONUS: Reach the top of Everest with the Google website


You might think the biggest benefit of Google Sites is being able to create a working site for free in an intuitive and simple way, but underneath the tip of that iceberg there's an even bigger advantage.

That's because when creating a web page by the search engine platform, you will automatically shape it respecting the SEO criteria, and this is essential if you want to have your site appearing among the first search results.

By the way, if you want to know more about SEO, be sure to check out our content on the subject!

Don't leave it for tomorrow, create your website now with Google Sites!

Well, now you know the Google Site and know what differentials it can offer you when creating a successful web page, right?

That's because we've shown you throughout this content 10 reasons why this tool could be the missing piece in the puzzle of putting together a fast, super usual, highly integrated website and more: respecting SEO aspects!

With that, I bet there is no doubt about how profitable it can be for your brand to bet on a channel created together with the largest search engine in the country.

So, now that you know how to create a killer Google Site, don't wait any longer, let's get to work!

And for more tips like this, check out Ideal Marketing's blog.

Source: PropertyNews
