Owners and Developers - Park View City Islamabad

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Park View City is accessible from different regions of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The main boulevard in Park View City is 400 feet. wide, making it accessible without difficulty. In addition, the park View City can be accessed via Kurri Road and Bani Gala. It is a kid-friendly residential d

Park View City Islamabad

Park View City Islamabad is an elegant and luxurious residential development located in Zone IV of Islamabad. CDA has given its approval to the development and work on development is underway at the site. Vision Group owns the project. Vision Group owns the project and plans to transform it into one of the most expensive housing areas in Islamabad.

Park View City is accessible from different regions of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The main boulevard in Park View City is 400 feet. wide, making it accessible without difficulty. In addition, the park View City can be accessed via Kurri Road and Bani Gala. It is a kid-friendly residential development that is increasing in popularity because of the rapid growth.


This is a comprehensive overview of the program, its features and advantages in addition to the reasons why it's a great asset for prospective investors.


Owners and Developers - Park View City Islamabad

The owners and developers of Park View City are the Vision Group. The Vision Group has been operating for several years in the fields of development and real estate management and other related areas. It is their years of experience which will help make this venture an accomplishment.


Vision Group Vision Group was established in 2012 and since then has been involved in numerous major projects like Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation, Park View Corporate Center Lahore, The National School, Park View Signature Apartments Gulberg, Lahore, and Park View Icon, Karachi, and many more.


Vision Group Vision Group has created all these projects to offer the best infrastructural and design perspective. Based on the projects in the past, customers have expressed confidence in Vision Group in their plans for the Park View City master plan.


Mauza of Park View City Islamabad

The above-mentioned project is based upon the project that was earlier referred to as Malot.


Park View City Islamabad NOC

CDA The CDA is the entity that is responsible for the issuing NOC Certificates to Islamabad. CDA will likely issue NOCs in the case of Park View City soon as the authority in charge. After it is confirmed that Park View City is approved, Park View project is approved the investment opportunities will increase since investors will want to ensure the value of their investments.


Map of Park View City Islamabad

Park View City Islamabad map of its location indicates that it's accessible from various areas that lie between Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Some of the most famous regions accessible by Park View City include Serena Hotel Islamabad, Bahria Enclave, Bani Gala, etc.


Alongside these locations It is also close to the Chak Shehzad, Kuri Road and Park Road. The roads that can be used to get to the places mentioned are Kashmir Highway, Islamabad Highway and Lehtar Road.


Park View City Islamabad map of location shows it's a prime area within Islamabad and offers lots of opportunities as an investment opportunity for those who are looking to invest. Access roads to the area are being built to make it easier for people to access the project. They include Malot Road, while another access road is currently being constructed directly out of Kurri Road.


Park View City - Total Land and Area

The total size of this project is 7700 square. Kanal. The land is expected to encompass different kinds of properties like commercial, residential parks, blocks that are specifically used for health and entertainment and much more.


Since this project is located in the most sought-after area of Islamabad its beauty is unmatched. Furthermore, because it is located close to Bahria Enclave, it adds to the value of the plots that are part of the development. The landscapes in the area that is being developed in this project as well as along the roads leading to it are stunning. Future development will improve aesthetics of the place.


Botanical Garden in Islamabad is situated near Park View, and its gate 2, and its main gate, provides an easy access to the stunning landscape. The main entry point to the garden is located in Rawal Chowk, which is the primary gate to enter the garden.


The area of residence is free from air pollution and the noise. It is an ideal place to lead a healthy lifestyle. Anyone who is looking for peace and quiet may select this location for their dream home. A 200-foot. long, wide road will connect it with the rest part of Islamabad. CDA has approved the road, and construction is underway to build it in the timeframe which has been set.


Park View City Master Plan

Park View City master plan is the result of the knowledge of experts from disciplines like urban planning, architecture and civil engineering. Additionally, the planning committee has ensured that the designs of the different residential and commercial blocks is beneficial to prisoner.


Park View City master plan is one of the meticulously developed master plans that bear in mind the requirements of the coming years. It's similar in terms of quality to the most famous developments. There are several versions of the masterplan to ensure it's perfect.


This review group consisted of the first designers, as well as experts from other firms for development. Therefore, this master plan that is flawless will be one of the most sought-after designs in Pakistan for contemporary housing.


Project Details of Park View City

Park View City comprises various blocks that are arranged in the alphabetical sequence. Park View City Islamabad is the location that permits the arrangement of these blocks according to the dimensions of plots, the use of the plot as well as prices. The latest block that has been joined to blocks is Block J which developers have recently added.


five marla plots can be found in blocks B K and F. The plots for the 10th are located in Blocks A, B, F and H and I. Block B C E N, F, along with M, each has one Kanal plot open by investors.


The users have access to two Kanal plots in Block D and P. As the development process progresses the value of plots in blocks will increase.


Park View City Terrace C Block


Terrace C Block inside Park View City is one of the blocks that have the lowest costs. It provides lots of residential land of different dimensions for buyers. Prices for this block are less expensive when compared to other luxurious residential development inside Islamabad.


The sizes of the plots currently available for sale from the Terrace C block are 10 marla. This block is fully equipped with modern facilities and buyers will be amazed by the value of their investment.


Park View City A B Block


Blocks B and A of Park View City offer residential plots that vary in size. These include five 10, marla or one Kanal-sized parcels. The plot costs in the block are reasonable and accessible to those in an upper class.


The vast range of sizes gives prisoners with a variety between plots.


Park View City H Block


H Block of Park View City Islamabad offers 5 and 10 marlas and one Kanal size plot. So, it's all about budget and the preferences of the buyer to choose the most suitable space size.


Commercial Downtown


The Walk Commercial Downtown is the commercial center of the location. It is an area to entertain visitors and give necessities to the inmates who are in the prison. There are different sizes of commercial plots located in the region.


Investors interested should contact customer support or other service providers related to request plots.


These commercial parcels in the area have dimensions ranging from 6 to 8. The walk is one Kanal. Investors can decide which one is best fit for their needs.



A deposit at the beginning to reserve the plots will be 20% , and the remaining installments will be paid in 8 instalments. The length of the installment plan is 2 years. It's an ideal option for those who have diverse financial background.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan for various Blocks

This is a brief overview of the Park View City Islamabad payment plan that covers various block sizes. The payment plan is designed to be affordable and flexible in relation to the dimensions of the plots.


The plot's size and price are described in the following way.


Park View City Downtown Commercial Plots Payment Plan

There are two types of commercial plots in the section. The plot that has 6 marla is offered for purchase for 42,000,000. The other price for membership of 100,000. The down payment amounts to 25 per cent of the amount of plot. The remainder will be paid by six monthly installments.


Commercial plots that have 8 marla are for purchase for 56,000,000. The cost for membership is 200 000. Each quarter's installment is around 7,000,000.


Park View City Block A and B - Residential Plots Payment Plan

The three types of residential plots within Blocks B and A. There are five marlas, 10 marlas, one Kanal and 10 marlas. The down cost for each size plot is 25% and the remaining amount to be paid by quarterly payments of four installments.


The cost of a 5 marla plot is 6,500,000. A plot of 10 marlas costs 10,000,000, and the cost of the Kanal will be 25 million.


Park View City Payment Plan for Terrace C Block

Terrace C Block has 10 marla plots of residential land that are available for purchase for 10,000,000. It is an initial down payment of $2,500,000 and it is available in the option of four installments per month.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan - For Block C, D, E

C D blocks C and E D and E within Park View City Islamabad have 1 and 2 Kanal residential plots that can be bought. The down cost for all of the plots is 25%, and there are four installments per quarter.


One Kanal parcel within Block C is available for sale at 25,000,000. This parcel in Block E is available in the 25,000,000 to 30,000,000, as there are two types of plots with the same dimensions.


2. The Kanal Dimension of the plot within The D block is available at 30,000,000 that is comparable to the cost.


Park View City Islamabad Payment Plan - For Block F

Block F provides five different sizes of plots for you to select between. This includes five marla plotsas well as 10 marla plots, as well as an Kanal plot. 5 marla plots are for sale for 5 million, whereas plots with 10 marla are available for purchase at 8,500,000.



Park View Islamabad Payment Plan - Block H

The payment plan that is offered in Block H in Park View City includes three different sizes of plots. This includes five , 10, and 10 marla. One Kanal and 10 , marla. The cost for 5 marla plots is 6,500,000, and for plots with 10 marla is 10 million.


One Kanal plots can be for sale at a price of 30,000,000. The fee for membership is different across sizes, and begins 7500.


Park View City - Block J Payment Plan

The Block J has four types of residential plots that are part of Block J. They comprise 5 marla, 10 marla 1 Kanal along with 2. Kanal.


The price for plot of 5 marla is 6,500,000. The cost of 10 marla plots has a value of 10,000,000. One Kanal plot is worth 30,000,000 while the value for 2 Kanal is worth 65 millions. The cost of the down cost for each type of plot is percent..


Price Comparison and Discounts

A price-to-value comparison of the various blocks of Park View City shows that the prices could be higher in comparison to other society. However, when we look at it in comparison to the prices of Islamabad the cost is affordable. The area of the plots is what makes them worth it.


Category Plots

A cost of 10% higher is for plots classified as like the intersection, facing the park and facing boulevard generally.


Park View City Islamabad - Features and Amenities

Park View City is being built by a famous name in the field of real estate development and management. They have ensured that residents of this development will have access to the same services as cities. These are the primary features and facilities offered by the project.


Imax Cinemas

3-D technology and IMAX cinemas will provide the main source of entertainment for residents of the metropolis. They will be able to avail of entertainment in the comforts of their home.


Commercial Zone

The pedestrian mall in this city will enable inmates to access to items of the top names. They will not have to go shopping in various areas in Islamabad.


Parks, Zoos, and various Entertainment Areas

The principal purpose of the designers is to create a secure and pleasant environment for their residents. This is why they also have parks and zoos.


Community Centers and Clubs

Community centers and clubs are included in the masterplan to ensure residents have healthy activities and interactions.


Health Facilities

Hospitals and other similar healthcare facilities are needed to complete this project. They will be equipped with a skilled personnel.


Educational Facilities

Schools, colleges along with other educational institutions will be part in the city. The establishment of the National School under the supervision of the Abdul Aleem Khan Foundation is the first step in this direction.



Mosques as well as other places for worship are also a part in the Park View residential society.



Park View City will ensure that the residents in the community are fully protected, which is the reason, it will be an secured neighborhood. Additionally the wall that runs along the boundary as well as the security in the neighborhood will aid in keeping prisoners safe.


Electricity, Gas, and Water Supply

Electricity, gas and water services are guaranteed in the city's vicinity. The administration will make sure that the water supply does not cause a problem for the inhabitants. A proper plan is in place to make sure this is the case.


Underground Electric Lines

The electricity lines will be underground to safeguard the lives of residents. The underground cables will also ensure that electricity lines remain clear of natural hazards, such as rain and wind.



The surveillance of Park View City will be carried out by CCTV cameras, Security guards and cameras in addition to entrance and exit points.



Its infrastructure will remain up-to-date and is in line with the top methods of world's best cities. It will be kept in tune with the beauty of Islamabad and reflect a blend with Pakistani and Western architecture.


Park View City Apartments

Park View City apartments are a viable alternative to plots that are on top of the earth. They will have modern amenities like swimming pools gyms, laundry facilities, and much many more. The apartments will be like luxurious homes within Islamabad.


Botanical Garden

The botanical gardens has been built into Park View City Islamabad to improve the beauty of it. It will improve its beauty area and help improve the fertile soil. The garden will be designed using plants from all regions of the world and will be the only one of its kind of its kind in Pakistan.


Park View City Islamabad - Golf Estate

Park View City Golf Estate is one of the recently unveiled blocks which was launched recently. It is among the most luxurious blocks in the city and will improve the appearance of the surroundings. The block's site is located near Bahria Enclave, and it is accessible through Gate 2 of Park View City.


It's a respite from the hustle and bustle of Islamabad and Rawalpindi where residents can unwind and have fun. In addition to that, they'll have the chance to golf while taking in the beautiful beauty in Margalla Hills. The stunning views from Margalla Hills and Golf lawns are a dream for lovers of gold.


It is where you can find the 18 hole Golf Course which can satisfy players needs. Additionally, there are numerous residential and commercial plots in The Golf Estate.


The dimensions for residential properties are 5 marlas, 10 marlas and one Kanal.
