A Full Body Guide to Applying Body Lotion

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For many of you, body lotion is probably something you’re not all that familiar with. It’s something you buy at the drugstore to help with the “dried out” feeling, right? You do use it, but do you really know how it works, and how to use it to its maximum potential?

For many of you, body lotion is probably something you’re not all that familiar with. It’s something you buy at the drugstore to help with the “dried out” feeling, right? You do use it, but do you really know how it works, and how to use it to its maximum potential?

Body lotions and creams are so wonderful because they not only give you a silky feeling on your skin, they make your hands feel and look better. You’ll never know the difference if you haven’t tried a product like this. Here’s a guide to applying body lotion.


Step 1

Before you apply your lotion, it’s important to do a little preparation. Wash your hands thoroughly and pat them dry with a paper towel. You’ll also need to make sure the lotion you’re using is of good quality. Look for a formula that has no petroleum jelly or any type of synthetic preservatives in it. It’s best to avoid products with any type of petroleum jelly as it will have a negative effect on your skin. You’ll want to apply your lotion with just your hands, avoiding your skin in any way. If you do have dry skin, it will make it easier for the lotion to go on smoothly.

Step 2

Now, the actual application of the lotion is the important part. Begin by squeezing a dime-size amount into the palm of your hand. You can use your entire palm, but it’s best to use just the back and bottom part of your palm. The more of your palm you use, the less effective the lotion will be.

Step 3

Start applying your lotion to your skin. It’s not necessary to use your hands all the way around your body; simply rub your hands together so that the lotion is spread evenly. Using your hands like this will allow the lotion to absorb faster and smoother. While you’re applying the lotion, it’s good to move your hands from back to front, from arm to arm, and from leg to leg.

Step 4

Once you’ve covered your entire body in lotion, you’ll want to pat it dry with a paper towel. This will make sure that your lotion won’t create lumps on your skin and that it will dry completely. The entire process takes only a minute or two, so try not to overdo it. You can apply your lotion in any way you see fit. You can roll it on with your hands, lay it on with your fingers, or even use your wrists and forearms. Just make sure to use lotion in an even way so that it’s not too thick in some places and too light in others.

Step 5

Don’t forget about your face. You can use a whole lot of lotion here, especially if you have dry skin. Make sure to rub your hands in the area where you use lotion to avoid transferring lotion to your eyes. Once your lotion has been applied, you can pat it dry with a paper towel, but it’s best to not rub too much. You can use a soft cotton towel or brush your hands over a towel to remove all of the lotions.
