How To Treat The Gas Problem

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Gas is something that has always been inside our body into our intestines. And mostly everyone knowingly, unknowingly does pass gas through farting or belching. And there are many minutes and relieving treatments for this issue. Farting or belching is a very common thing in our lives. Now

Gas is something that has always been inside our body into our intestines. And mostly everyone knowingly, unknowingly does pass gas through farting or belching. And there are many minutes and relieving treatments for this issue. Farting or belching is a very common thing in our lives. Now gas is not a problem but if there is too much gas it can cause gas pain or bloat.

Here we are going to discuss treatment for gas problems. Before discussing treatment first you should have knowledge about what causes this problem. 


Causes of Gastric Problem

Food items like beans, milk dairy products, cabbage, carrot, pasta, potatoes, etc. Can cause excessive gas problems and gas flatulence.

Swallowing of air contains carbon dioxide and nitrogen we intake by drinking carbonated beverages, eating or drinking very quickly, smoking, chewing gum, etc, leads to gas problems.

Health and medication gas can be a result regarding health conditions, for example, peptic ulcer disease, celiac disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease can be the cause of gastric problem.


The problem and main task is how to do the treatment of Gas


  1. Avoid foods that contain more gas in it. There are some vegetables, fruits that have more of them. Avoid fruits like apple pears and much more. Avoid vegetables like onion, broccoli, etc.

Even our dairy products contain gas, avoid consuming more of them like cheese, milk and even icecreams.

  1. Avoid as we know a sudden act or a fast reflex has more air use. So whenever you eat or drink fastly you consume more air. So eating and drinking slowly can be an instant hack.


  1. Avoiding drinking water before meals can actually help your intestines to break down food properly as it is meant to. If you eat and drink at the same time you stop stomach acids from working properly and slow down breaking food.


 4.Avoid consuming air, we fill up air in us through our habits like chewing gums, drinking through straws or even when people smoke. These things can cause our stomach to get filled with gas.


  1. We should stop/ reduce consuming some packed foods which have artificial ingredients in it such as sugar, alcohol, sorbitol etc. Sometimes low carbohydrate foods also have artificially made ingredients.


  1. Avoid even consuming over-the-counter products like fiber drinks or supplements can lead to gas problems.


  1. Get rid of the problem by taking a small walk, try to massage the pain spot, can using medication like Eno, Simethicone which helps to break the bubbles in gas and helps to gas flatulence through anus.


Here were some basic details about causes and treatments of gas. If you are facing gas problems more oftenly and want to consult a doctor then you can visit Dr. Nivedita Pandey is one of the best Gastroenterologists and Hepatologist in New Delhi and she will solve your problems related to digestive system disorder or gas problems etc. You can whatsapp them or even book your appointment from their site.
