Want a Bright Smile? Teeth Whitening May Be You Answer

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he whiter one's teeth, the younger one tends to look. That's because with age, teeth are subject to dulling stains and residue that builds up and becomes increasingly difficult to get rid of.

Is there anything sexier than a great smile? Maybe. How about a smile that reveals bright white teeth?

The whiter one's teeth, the younger one tends to look. That's because with age, teeth are subject to dulling stains and residue that builds up and becomes increasingly difficult to get rid of. Most lifestyles are not conducive to having bright white teeth. santee pediatric dentistry Just look at how many are in line at the Starbucks drive-through, for example. Coffee and tea are big culprits in staining teeth. Then there's smoking, of course. Also, not brushing teeth often enough, or at least, not soon enough after drinking that cup of joe.

Then there's just the plain old fact that teeth are not normally bright white. They are not usually as white as the whites of our eyes, yet that is what many people strive for. Hence, the immense popularity of teeth whitening products and procedures. If you go to your dentist, they'll charge several hundred dollars per row of teeth. Is it any wonder the do-it-at-home bleaching kits are so common?

You'd think that the profusion of teeth whitening products on the market would make it easy for everyone to run around with a 1,500 watt grin. Not so. Like most things, it's more complicated than that. How do you figure out which product to use to get a bright smile? Teeth whitening is big business, with lots of competing products. Trial and error can get expensive, so examine some criteria before spending your money.

On the market today you can find whitening rinses, whitening toothpastes, bleaching strips, whitening sticks, and whitening molds for a killer smile. These products contain peroxide as the bleaching agent. The bleach is much more potent in the mouthpiece that the dentist would custom-make for you, and charge a lot more for. The biggest difference is that the whitening will occur much faster than if you did it on your own.

Are there any potholes on the path to a gorgeous smile? Teeth whitening can make your teeth more sensitive, temporarily. The stronger the peroxide (found in "maximum strength" bleaching preparations), the more sensitive your teeth may be afterwards. Also, whitening strips are not necessarily as convenient as they look. You can't talk while using them, and you have to be sure to be near a sink when you're ready to take them out, so you can rinse your mouth really well afterwards. Most users of bleaching strips consider them to be worth it.

There are also peroxide wands that you can touch up your teeth with when you're out and about, and some of those may even freshen your breath. So, the next time to duck into the restroom to touch up your lipstick, you can touch up your teeth as well!

After any bleaching treatment, it's best not to eat or drink anything for at least a half hour. And since the products contain bleach, take care not to get them near your clothes.

Now that you've spent the research, money, and time to spruce up your pearly whites, maybe you'll think twice about the drive-through coffee -- or maybe try drinking it through a straw!

