Elden Ring fan beats difficult boss

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Sadly, Optimus Prime does not present the scene above However, YoBoi909's edit makes that Elden Ring battle with Margit and one of Elden Ring Runes the Fell Omen all the more thrilling. In terms of timing, the sequence of attacks truly is perfect asking what happens when similar situations take place in other games.

As can be seen from the sales information mentioned previously millions of gamers have spent time exploring the Lands Between. Some have even mastered it and there are the majority of players sharing videos of their speedruns. Just a few days ago, one player managed to run through Elden Ring without dying in less than three hours. Another user later revealed that they finished the game in just under an hour. Soon enough, someone else will probably surpass this incredible feat.

Elden Ring fan beats difficult boss with a controller composed of bananas

You've probably heard it's true that Elden Ring is challenging, but this fan blitzed one of its most infamous bosses using a controller made from bananas.

Superlouis64 is the same content creator that beat several bosses using the Switch Controller called Ring Fit, went one step further by taking on Godrick the Grafted using 10 bananas. Yes, with some oddly-specific technical know-how, he wired together a bunch of buy Elden Ring Items bananas into a device. YouTubers come up with crazy ideas like this in the "Controller Bending" video series.

