"Smart" drugs and bad experiences with their use

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So-called "smart" drugs are becoming more and more popular, especially among students. But how effective and safe are they?

I first learned about these drugs from a friend. "Everyone does it. They're just pills to help you concentrate," she said.

It turned out that she needed them to cope with the stress of a particularly important day for her.

Many psychostimulants are conventional drugs that are used to treat a variety of illnesses or disorders.

So, one of the most popular "smart" drugs - modafinil is used to treat drowsiness caused by narcolepsy, as well as sleep disorders associated with work at different times of the day.

However, more people are taking modafinil to work more efficiently.

Side effects
Scientists from Harvard and Oxford called it "the world's first safe" smart "drug", believing that if taken for a short time, then the level of risk will be small.

However, this drug has side effects such as insomnia, headaches, and potentially dangerous skin rashes. In addition, there is not too much data on what the use of modafinil may turn out to be in the long term.

However, after reading favorable reviews online, including some about how modafinil helped me get good grades in my university degree, I decided to try it out for myself.

British law prohibits the sale of modafinil without a doctor's prescription, but its purchase is not punishable by law.

There were many sites on the Internet, including those registered in India, where you could order it.

My order arrived in less than a week. The package contained tablets that were not much different from regular paracetamol. After consulting with the doctor, who said that as a young and healthy person, this drug is unlikely to cause any particular harm to me, I decided that it was time to move from words to deeds.

First sensations
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What was it?
What was it?
We quickly, simply and clearly explain what happened, why it is important and what will happen next.

End of Story Podcast
I took my first modafinil pill not just anywhere but in a laboratory at the University of Cambridge. A lab worker ran a series of tests to test my mental abilities - attention span, visual-spatial working memory, and episodic memory - before and after taking modafinil.

Professor Barbara Sahakyan was sure that the drug would have an effect on me: “The studies we conducted showed that after taking modafinil, cognitive processes improve, that is, the ability to mentally perceive and process external information. And it was about a variety of personalities - from doctors working night shifts, to ordinary people being tested in a scientist-controlled environment."

Before taking modafinil, my data wasn't that bad. For example, in my ability to concentrate, I was in the top 15-20% of my age group. By taking the pill, I improved my results and was already in the top 5-10% group in this indicator.

I felt much more alert and thought less about what might disappoint or upset me. Of course, other factors could have influenced the results of the test.

But the day went on, and my brain continued to work "to its fullest." I had to travel home to Liverpool for four hours by train, but I did not feel any fatigue.

On this list of positive sensations from modafinil, I have to finish.

Insomnia and swelling
Attempts to fall asleep did not lead to anything, I was able to overcome insomnia only in the morning
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Attempts to fall asleep did not lead to anything, I was able to overcome insomnia only in the morning

The next day I was to board the train again, and I was looking forward to how productively I would spend this time thanks to the miracle pill. But I was wrong.

First, I became more distracted than usual. Although the drug helped me concentrate, the object of my concentration was not what I needed.

For example, a video game on my smartphone.

After a while, I started having a severe headache, I lost my appetite and began to go to the toilet quite often, one might say, I almost never left there. My brain was in no hurry to work harder than usual, unlike my bladder.

In the evening, I felt the power of modafinil as an anti-drowsiness drug. Attempts to fall asleep did not lead to anything, I was able to overcome insomnia only in the morning.

In addition, I had a swelling on my leg, which itched a lot. The next day, the same "joy" appeared on my arm.

I seem to have been unlucky, unlike, for example, Jason Old, an athlete and entrepreneur from Edinburgh. According to him, after taking modafinil, he feels as if nothing is impossible for him.

"It gives me the feeling that you're functioning at 100%, that you're giving it your all. Under normal conditions, this seems impossible, but modafinil allows me to feel it," Old says.

After the first dose of the drug, I really felt a surge of energy and a high level of concentration, however 

Ako at the end of the state of health was not very good.

My third and final use of modafinil was also disappointing. I had a whole day of editing, and the headaches returned.

I was getting dehydrated.

Even worse was that friends constantly pointed out to me the poor condition of my skin. Modafinil kept me awake and I looked terrible.

People's bodies react differently to chemicals and pills.
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People's bodies react differently to chemicals and pills.

Around 8 pm, when I least wanted it, the drug finally began to work. Until 11 o'clock I worked in the office as usual - I edited, filmed, wrote and did a lot of everything that previously seemed not to be done at all.

I felt that I should continue to work, but that does not mean that I wanted to.

In general, the negative effects of taking drugs far outweigh the positive ones, and this can be due to a number of reasons.

People, their bodies, react differently to chemicals and pills. After talking with my doctor, I found out that, for example, my liver has developed a special enzyme to remove modafinil from my body.

When ordering the drug via the Internet, I could also slip a fake, although Jason Old assured me that he had already used the services of this supplier.

Of course, I was disappointed that I did not experience the positive effects of modafinil, which I heard so much about. But to some extent, I was also relieved that I did not lose anything by not applying it earlier.

The side effects and lack of productivity means it's not a miracle drug and I definitely never want to take it again.
