What Is The Difference Between List And Tuples In Python?

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Python is a programming language that has created too many opportunities in the IT sector for students. If you aspire to be a python professional then you need to have a clear concept of Python. This programming language comprises different critical facets to analyze and solve them. One of the concepts of Python that have always been a topic of confusion for many students is the difference between lists and tuples in python. Let’s have a look at both the list and tuple of Python in a detailed manner to understand how they’re different.

List And Tuples In Python

List and tuple is a class of data structure in Python that functions to store one or more objects or values. A list in Python is used to store multiple items in one variable. To create the list, you can use square brackets. Similarly, tuples are also able to store multiple items in a single variable. It can be declared by making use of parentheses.

Although you’ll get to see many differences between lists and tuples, here are some similarities to unfold-

  • Both can store multiple elements in just one single variable.
  • Elements present in both these are accessible through indexing.
  • Both are sequence-type data types.

Difference between List And Tuples In Python

Here are the aspects in which List And Tuples are different-


The list is mutable whereas a tuple is immutable. Because of this, tuples cannot be changed but lists can be changed.


Another difference is in the size of the list and tuples. Of the two, tuples is having smaller memory which makes them faster than lists when there are a large number of elements.

As tuples are immutable, they are allocated with large blocks of memory. In Python, lists are allocated with small memory blocks.


There’s also a huge difference when it comes to debugging in Python. Because of this immutability, tuples are easy to debug which makes them ideal for large projects. Thus, for smaller projects, a list is mostly preferred because of the lesser amount of data. The lists are easy to be changed while tuples cannot be. So, tuples are easier to track in the project.


There are many cases where it is important to use only one data structure from these two. The implementation and execution of any one of them depend on the programmer. If tuples are stored within the lists then there are easier to read data. One thing to consider is that tuples can be used as equivalent to a dictionary without any key for data storage.

To sum up

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