Recruiting Practices

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Current essay describes organization’s recruiting practices in the process of recruitment on such positions as sales manager, physician, and office manager. It considers the process of recruitment for each of these positions, different methods of recruitment, and their strong and weak si

The essay provided by the source where everyone can buy article review also focuses on long, complex selection process and its influence on a recruiter and a company.

Recruitment on position of sales manager is based on determination of applicant’s social capital KSAs. During the interview, much attention should be paid to emotional stability and openness of the applicant. The work of sales manager is connected with communication. So, this person should be friendly, positive, emotionally stable, and less sensitive to negative impact and emotions. Introverts have lower chances to be taken on the position of sales manager than extroverts. Very often employer takes an extrovert with low level of knowledge and skills than skillful introvert. This can lead to poor job performance. However, employer should keep in mind that such psychological skill as communication can be trained and developed. Therefore, in some situations, it is better to employ skillful introvert than extrovert who does not have enough knowledge about the product.

Recruitment on a physician position is based on applicant’s knowledge and skills. Employer pays much attention to applicant’s college degree because a good doctor should have deep knowledge and be accurate and polite with his/her patients. HR managers define “practice’s recruitment objectives in writing, noting those clinical skills and personal characteristics you desire of your ideal candidate”. The next step is interview which is comprised of oral inquiry and written test. The majority of asked questions should be similar. This allows performing valid comparison of candidates. This recruitment method pays low attention to personal and communication skills of applicants. That is why even experienced physician may face considerable difficulties during interaction with his/her patients.

Recruitment of an office manager is based on skills, experience, and psychological and social capital of a person. HR managers consider that “a great office manager has skills and experience in various areas of administration including human resources, facility operations, event planning, accounting, marketing and customer service”. The applicant should also have basic information about the business where he or she intends to work. Employer analyzes CVs and chooses the most suitable candidates for interview. During the interview, much attention is also paid to communication skills and ability to get on well with people of different characters. Recruitment by this method is based on social characteristics and skills of the applicant. These characteristics can be developed with a course of time. A company performed an achievement test in order to determine applicant’s “abilities, knowledge and skills…mastered in past”. Also, much attention is paid to employees’ attitude to working process and organization because the positive attitude “is often manifested through a high energy level and enthusiasm, passion for learning, curiosity to explore and experiment, motivation to succeed, and desire to do what is good for organization”.

That is why organizations can overlook budding applicants who do not have enough experience for position of office manager. Nowadays, some companies fall back on long-term and complex selection process. On the one hand, such selection will allow new workers to better understand specifics of their work and blend into a team, or to understand that some particular work is unsuitable for them. On the other hand, long and complex selection process causes diffidence of candidates. They are not sure that they will stay in a company. Therefore, some people start to search free positions in other companies.

Long and complex selection process has positive and negative sides on organization’s ability to attract the best employee. The company has a chance to choose the most appropriate candidate who can perform his or her job in the best possible manner. The company has enough time to determine whether a new employee can be a part of a team and stand calm in stressful situations. Among the weak sides are high cost of long selection process and unfilled job vacancies. Additionally, organization can lose professional candidates because of their uncertainty.
