Benefits of Learning the English Language

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters

Communication plays a vital role in today's global challenge, be it in business or personal affairs. Among the often used mediums for communication, the English language serves as a pivotal force in bridging barriers in communication which can make or break international 모아18 relations and state of affairs. Of the thousand or so business transactions that occur around the world in any given day, English dominates the front lines.

A Senior manager from Canada instructs business partners in the Philippines and Korea. An office manager from the United Kingdom drops a phone call to his contact in Japan, inquiring about his shipment of computer chips. In both examples, English primarily directs a surreptitious existence in the formation of global awareness and progress.

English is definitely a widely spoken language, brandishing 400,000,000 individuals who speak it as a second language and 350,000,000 or so claims it as their native tongue. Though the numbers do not necessarily imply the dominance of the English language or the exact number of users, it does, however depict the significance of English in the mainstream of universal growth.

If you're from the United States, Canada or from any other native English-speaking nation, and you happen to visit an Asian country like Korea or the Philippines, you'll never feel left out as more and more people today try their hardest to attain a command of the English language. Proficient speakers of English, as a second language, can be found everywhere.

Most paradigms have shifted, giving importance to the English language, as it had before. Schools have begun to focus on providing quality English instruction to students in elementary, high school, and even college to prepare their students to be globally competent. Schools in Korea have made it a point to hire native English speakers to properly educate Korean students in English. This task is met with the goal of producing quality English speakers, who can communicate and be equally competitive in the business arena. Among those institutions that stand out in their drive to educate students in the English language; Worknplay (, provides quality ESL training to it's teachers. It strives to provide quality English teachers to schools all over Korea, making students competitive in their academics and understanding of international affairs.
