Korean Baseball: Not Just America's Pastime

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There's something about baseball that seems as American as apple pie, but the sport is now gaining international momentum. Especially in Asia, you'll find countries taking to the sport with great interest. South Korea won the World Championships of baseball last year, and have an entirely different baseball culture than what you're probably used to.

1) The tickets: Ever go to a game with the $30 nosebleed 모아18 tickets you bought and watch the game through binoculars, then scowl at the rich people in the front rows that aren't even paying attention to the game, but just talking with potential clients? Professional sports in America tend to reserve the best seats for the wealthiest people, but South Korea doesn't discriminate that way. Buy a ticket for 8 bucks and you can be sitting in the front or the back row, depending on when you get there. If you're a die hard and you're there hours early, you'll get good seats. If you're late for the game, you'll be lucky to be standing in the nosebleeds.

2) The songs: Get ready to cheer like you've never cheered before. In fact, the cheering is probably the best part of the game. You've surely seen the wave done at baseball games before. Here, when a wave starts, it does two laps around the stadium. And every batter has his own song as well. When they're at bat, expect something along the lines of "Choi Jeong home run" clap clap, clap clap clap!

3) The food: I don't know about you, but I really hate it when I have to pay $10 for a hotdog and $10 for a beer at a game. That's not the case at a Korean baseball game. Buy a beer for a buck and some food for two bucks. Or, if you're really cheap, just bring your own food, and throw out your garbage in the garbage bags provided.
