The Top Marketing Moves In 2023

التعليقات · 333 الآراء


Are you making moves in the new year? What do you expect of your marketing strategy, and how can it change to be more adaptive to your needs? There are several changes in 2023 for marketing and getting better results. If you haven't made the switch to a hyper-focus on user experience, now is the time to do so. Every marketing service you implement should be geared towards the user and customer expectations. Cohesive customer experiences across the border are also going to be important. You should have a plan that speaks directly to your customers; this is often known as a customer journey map. A visual representation of your customer's journey, such as how they act, think, and feel during the buying process, can give you excellent insight. Let's take a look at some of the services you might consider for your brand.


Influencer Brand Marketing


Using influencers as part of your marketing strategy is a great way to gain new customers. Influencer marketing has grown in popularity with the growth of social media platforms like Instagram and tick tock. Find an influencer that has excellent engagement and followers, and you can see a huge impact on your marketing.


Video-Based Content and Interactive Content


Asana mentions the need, rather than the must-have, for sites to incorporate interactive content like quizzes, games, questions, contests, maps, etc. They mention, “If you’ve used the internet within the past decade, you’ve likely come across interactive content without even realizing it. Gone are the days of static posts and passive consumption—today’s audience wants content that demands attention. Marketers are developing dynamic, two-way experiences that encourage active engagement from their target audience with content. “


Conversational Marketing


There are several advantages to being everywhere your customers need you. When they visit your website, are they greeted and asked if they need anything? Can they ask questions and get answers right away? One of the fastest-growing trends is giving users the best experience when visiting a website, a curated experience, if you will. Using chatbots, AI will ask questions and follow-up questions. This can give consumers the answers they need to make an informed decision regarding a company or products. Conversational marketing makes a person's experience a unique one, for the most part. Though chatbots aren’t people and can’t do what a human can, technology is getting quite impressive. 


Final Thoughts

ModernSpeak is a high-profile marketing agency working with many top global brands. Offering services, including influencer marketing, content creation, and public relations services, ModernSpeak delivers quality results for their client's budgets. We recommend, as a business, that you focus on marketing in 2023 to generate better results.
