Lesser Known Trivia About Italy

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Italy has a lot of interesting information. It's one of the most traveled nations in Europe. The past is extensive. Rich cultural heritage. The meal is also delicious. What precisely do you know, though? These are some intriguing Italian facts. This is a knowledge exam for you.

Italy has a lot of interesting information. It's one of the most traveled nations in Europe. The past is extensive. Rich cultural heritage. The meal is also delicious. What precisely do you know, though? These are some intriguing Italian facts. This is a knowledge exam for you.

Youngest Country

Italy has one of the oldest histories in Europe, despite just becoming a nation in 1861. Italy was a single nation throughout the Roman era. It split into a group of independent states at that point and stayed that way until 1861.

The reason the nation has such a diverse spectrum of cultural variants now is because of its long history of individualism.

Rome is Old

Established in 753 BC. Up until 395 AD, the Empire dominated much of Europe and a portion of North Africa. Italy was split into distinct states following the fall of the Empire until 1861. Festa della Repubblica, Italy's National Day, is observed annually on June 2.

The Duomo Milan Tour is unquestionably one of Milan's oldest buildings. This enormous Duomo Milan Tour, which is proudly situated in Piazza del Duomo, has witnessed more than 600 years of history.


In 1925, Benito Mussolini imposed a dictatorship on Italy, which he held until 1945. Mussolini, who was referred to as Il Duce at his height, wasn't always a fascist. He started in politics as a radical socialist and held the position of the prime minister of Italy till 1922. He sided with Germany during World War II, and he was put to death by partisans in 1945.


The fabled tale Pinocchio was written by Carlo Collodi in 1880. Gioniale per I Bambini, a children's newspaper, first published it in serial form.

World Heritage Sites Supremacy

More than any other country on earth, Italy is home to 55 World Heritage Sites. They span the whole nation and include the Colosseum and Mount Etna.

Want to visit the World Heritage sites in Italy, but would rather leave the planning and reservations to the pros? See a few examples of itineraries. Italy Itineraries and Entire Italy are both inspirational.

Smallest Country

There are just 1000 acres in the Vatican City in Rome. It attained independence in 1929, and the Pope currently serves as its head of state.

Donations are what primarily support the Vatican's economy. Although being about 1/8 the size of Central Park, it is densely populated with monuments. It is also the location of the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica.

If you are planning to take a Duomo Milan Tour then you can check some of the best from here.

Ref: https://social.wepoc.io/read-blog/46787
