Non-skippable ads on YouTube

Yorumlar · 290 Görüntüler

According to a recent revelation made at the YouTube Brandcast event, users of YouTube's smart TV app would be forced to view whole 30-second commercials without the opportunity to skip them unless they are YouTube Premium subscribers.

YouTube has announced intentions to offer 30-second, non-skippable ads on its smart TV app in an effort to increase the viewership for its commercials. Two successive 15-second commercials will be swapped out for a single, seamless 30-second ad as part of YouTube's new ad format plan. Advertisers will create the 30-second advertisements using the YouTube Select platform, which aims to include 5% of the most popular content on the website. According to the platform, TVs account for 70% of YouTube Select impressions.

YouTube stated its desire to begin testing advertising that are shown when a viewer stops a movie on a smart TV in an effort to mimic Hulu's "pause experiences" function. The YouTube banner-like advertising that are displayed surrounding the video can be dismissed by clicking the "dismiss" button.

The release date for YouTube's smart TV ad policy had not yet been announced. In summary, YouTube wants to increase the effectiveness and reach of its ads on smart TVs. More non-skippable advertising may be something viewers can anticipate.

YouTube and advertising funding may rise as a result of the outcome. Another unknowable is how viewers will react to the longer ad viewing time. People who are less excited about these upcoming changes have an alternative in choosing YouTube Premium, which can result in an ad-free viewing experience.


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