Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

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The fundamentally appealing dichotomy of the "Shrek" universe's swashbuckling kitten remains firmly in place 11 years after his debut solo picture.

Puss in Boots: The Final Wish goes as rapidly as its titular kitty.
The intrinsically compelling contradiction of the "Shrek" universe's swashbuckling kitty remains firmly in place 11 years after his premiere solo feature. In addition to being a brave adventurer and ladies' man who is feared and adored throughout the kingdom, he also has a terribly adorable tongue that he uses to slurp milk from a shot glass. As always, Antonio Banderas finds just the right tone to explore the intelligent and hilarious sides of this hairy cartoon character. basketball stars
Over 500 years ago, it all started with an Italian folktale. Folklore has long included a recognized image of a cunning cat with a flair for gallantry who speaks Spanish, always has boots on his feet. European. After making his debut in the Shrek movie series, "His Highness" has become incredibly well-liked. As a result, everyone had the choice to follow Puss in Boots' autonomous journey in 2011 for the first time. Are there any barriers preventing the noble cat's reappearance in this new movie? How about it? First and foremost, it should be mentioned that Puss in Boots is not an indestructible hero. Nonetheless, he didn't seem bothered and repeatedly played the fool. Always arrogant, always assured that the great life would last forever, why worry endlessly but refuse to enjoy it happily? But, eventually every good celebration has to stop. Although while nine lives might seem like a lot, they are still a finite resource. How is it possible to waste life endlessly? In Puss In Boots: The Final Wish, the cat's pride is put to the test for the first time. Puss in Boots only has one more opportunity to live, therefore he need to make the most of it. The big solstice has not yet come to an end, and the cat runs into the real "Death God." The Big Bad Wolf, who was posing as a vicious wolf with the blood-red visage of hell, completely overpowered the cat. When the cat first encountered Bad Wolf, he experienced pressure and death. The technical part is actually the highlight since it accurately captures every terrified expression on Cat's face. All of the "sovereign's" extra-realistic experiences were faithfully reproduced on the screen, including confused eyes, raised hair all over his body from terror of the enemy's fatal aura, and other very realistic feelings.
